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Writer's pictureTetiana Podoliako

Who told you that you are a project to complete, a problem to solve, a deadline to meet?

The theme of acceptance has been very present for me lately, in my personal journey and also in my mentoring work. And because I honor the privacy of my clients, let me share my own contemplations.

Recently I had a decision to make and for various reasons I found it to be challenging. After ruminating over outcomes, contemplating options, reasoning with logic, I have finally reached out to my heart. The simple yet profound insight that I received was that it really did not matter which path I take: both of those options had consequences that were mine to live out, and will provide the experience most needed for my growth; and it wasn't even about the decision or the options or the outcome of it all.


It is all about accepting myself. It is about accepting myself through either of those outcomes, accepting my right to choose and my responsibility (response-ability) to live with my decision, accepting that I may not know everything and that no matter where the choice I make leads me, I will need to accept all of me and meet me with love and compassion.


There is so much pressure in our capitalist society to perform, do well, to compete, to achieve, to deliver results. And I see this approach taking place in healing arts industry, too.

A friend recently asked what my marker of success was when it came to my client work. How can I measure a success of someone’s life? As a mentor, I emphasize your unique ability for self-discovery, empowering you to explore, learn and grow as you navigate the path of personal transformation. As a guide, I help you tap into the power of YOUR heart, giving you life-lasting tools to navigate the life with all its ebbs and flows. And above all my job is to create a safe environment for you to know, experience and feel that you are supported, understood and accepted for who you are, just as you are… The growth and healing that occurs then is immeasurable. When we create deeper, more loving, safer relationship with ourselves and with life, we no longer look at ourselves as an object of healing, a project to complete, a problem to solve but as an ALIVE human being, already whole by design.


The more I heal, the more I remember I am already whole. The more I grow, the more I remember this wisdom is innate in me. There is so much more love and so much more acceptance for all of me. All of me who makes mistakes, who still gets confused about her own power, who is limited in her thinking, who is still judgmental, who is still afraid to not be loved, who still sometimes feels like she doesn't belong, who still seeks approval… And I see her for who she is.. and all she has been through and I hold her in love and compassion, and I accept that sometimes I forget. But as Robert Tennyson Stevens said: “When we say we forgot something, we actually just remembered it.”


So let yourself be, welcome and accept all of you.

Let yourself forget, so you may remember.

Heal and grow from a place of love, not for a place of lack. ♥️

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