No matter what we're transmuting or creating in our life, what adversities overcoming, opportunities creating, edges stretching, our desires manifesting, heart is always at the heart of any transformation.
Through the wisdom of our heart we are able to connect to who we truly are. So we may create the life for us.
Our Heart is the seed of our life force. Harmonious connection with our heart and in turn with our body mind and soul provides us with valuable resources to navigate the stressors of daily life, foundation for intelligent energy management, greater emotional self-regulation, access to intuition and improved mental function so we may be our best selves.
Our hearts have all the wisdom and knowing. Our hearts have all the answers. Our hearts know the way.
By connecting to our heart, cultivating a trusting relationship, creating more harmony, we are able to tap into its infinite potential. We are able to remember our deepest desires, what's important to us, what we stand for and value. So it all may be the ground on which we take next inspired actions.
Getting to know our heart lets us have a clear vision of who we are and where we are going and to be able to discern what is for us, and intentionally choose that. We meet ourselves with more kindness for where we've been and more courage for where we are going. By knowing our heart we can create a new story for our life, where we are the main character. Our life's greatest purpose is to be truly ourselves, to share our heart and its magic with the world.
By choosing the intentions of our heart we transform our relationship, with ourselves and with others.
When we remember who we truly are, the love and compassion come easier. We are able to give and receive it freely.
When we know how we want to be loved and treated (and choose to honor ourselves in that way), those around us reflect that love back to us.
When we ignite the seed that is the life force in our heart, it illuminates our life's path.